A Ranger's Tale - Mysti Parker Among the many things I loved about A Ranger's Tale, front and foremost was that Mysti didn't waste a ton of time creating her world for us. I have read a few fantasy books lately that spent 1/4 of the book describing the world while I groaned in frustration. Thankfully, Mysti went right into creating wonderful characters for us to love and hate. She did a wonderful job of creating a world around the characters and filled it with seamless knowledge that it was like stepping thru the mirror into Tallenmere. I didn't have to struggle with names (again, pet peeve of mine in some fantasy books) or what terms meant. Instead I could focus on the story. A story that had it's ups and downs. There was a point mid-way thru the book that I was sooo tempted to sneak a peek at the end to make sure things would end without me screaming at everyone in the book.. Ha!

A Ranger's Tale is a story of love and loss, of war and forgiveness, of fighting to have the freedom to be what you choose and then accepting the consequences of your choices. With many characters to love, a few to loathe and even one that you grow to love over time- I'm thankfully that this is only the first in the series. The story itself switches between three main characters. At times, I've found this type of storytelling to be distracting and hard to understand when constantly switching POVs. Mysti did a great job making the transitions smoothly and I didn't feel any distraction from the story at all!

If you like fantasy with a great romance thrown in, you'll love this one !

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. *